Organic Quality Coffee Packed with Inspiration!
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Organic Honduran Coffee
$17.77 USD
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Rise With A Grind Coffee provides coffee beans from an ORGANIC operated farm where specialty coffee is grown and processed using regulated processing methods ensuring the coffee you purchase is free from chemical fertilizers, toxic pesticides, and genetically modified ingredients which is safer for us and the planet.
Fun Facts
Fun Fact #1
-The Coffee Belt is the region around the equator where coffee is grown covering over 70 countries across the world which is ideal for coffee cultivation due to its perfect combination of climate, altitude, and soil conditions.
Fun Fact #2
-Coffee was discovered by an Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi during the 9th Century. He noticed the goats became energetic after eating the berries from a certain tree. Yummy... Coffee Cherries!!
Fun Fact #3
-Coffee beans are actually seeds, or the pit, of the fruit that grows on a coffee tree.